• Eng


1. Why equipment which we propose to customer we are considering as equipment of new generation?


– Our equipment has several vital differences from the analogous models. Let us name some of them:
– the uniform heating of reactor over the increased surface is realized;
– for more effective heat insulation of furnace module and module of reactor we are using the specific ceramic fiber, material, which has low thermal inertia;
– we run the heating of the reactor by the flow of the hot air, not by the direct action of flame;
– the unique capacitor of pyrolysis gases is used;
– the patented system of dosing the air flow of furnace module (international patent) is used;
– it is not required to specially prepare the workable material. In some plants of similar purpose it is necessary, which considerably increases the cost of process;


2. What is an effect of the using specific ceramic fiber?


For more effective heat insulation of furnace module and module of reactor we are using the specific ceramic fiber, material, which has low thermal inertia. This ensures the maximum efficiency of the warming-up and directly in the pyrolysis process. Also, it ensures fast cooling of the reactors what is needed for preparing for repeated cycles. Concerning this index, our equipment outweighs other models, in which the fire bricks and high-temperature concrete are implemented for the heat insulation;


3. What is an effect of the noncontact heating of reactor?

In our construction the reliable system of the noncontact heating of reactor is implemented. Process is organized in such way that there is no contact of the flame of burners and the surface of reactor, which allows to increase the period of the service of the reactor

4. What is an effect of the increased heating surface?

The increased heating surface of the reactor determines the higher heat transfer and better operational control of temperature during the pyrolysis process. The uniform heating of the surface of the reactor determines the efficiency of the process of the pyrolysis of entire workable volume;


5. What is the effect of the patented system of the air flow doze?

The patented system of dosing the air flow of furnace module (international patent) ensures the increased heating rate;


6. What is the effect of the use the unique capacitor of pyrolysis gas using?

We are using the unique capacitor of pyrolysis gases, which ensures the high efficiency of condensation (approximately on 10-15%) and provide the possibility to control pyrolysis process in any phase;



7. What is the effect of all these advantages on the productivity of our equipment?

In average, in comparing with other known systems we have 15-20% advantage in the productivity, also it’s giving the pyrolysis products of higher quality;



8. How many operating cycles equipment does ensure with continuous operation?

A quantity of working hours from our experience comprises 300-320 hours per year, which is approximately equal to 450 operating cycles;



9. What is the maximum design load of the workable material per cycle?

Near 16-20 tons (from 8-10 tons into the each of reactors)



10. What are the operating cycles of the equipment and what is their duration?

Entire technological process of pyrolysis is organized according to cyclic continuous schedule with the total duration of the cycle 20 – 24 hours (for countries with average high temperature the cycle can have duration from 16 to 18 hours).
Cycle can be divided into the following basic stages:
– loading – 2 hours
– preparation for the start / start – 1 hour
– warming-up – 4 hours
– pyrolysis – 8 hours
– cooling – 4 hours
– unloading fuel, carbon, metal cord – 3 hours.
Duration depends on the state (humidity) of raw material;



11. What means the module equipment?

Our equipment for the utilization of the carbon-containing waste (raw material) consists of six basic modules and control panel:
– the furnace module;
– the module of the reactor;
– the module of the condensation;
– the module of the cooling;
– the module of cleaning the exhaust gases;
– the module of the utilization of the uncondensed gases.
Each of the modules is designed and produced in the transport overall sizes. The modular principle of layout makes it possible to considerably reduce the time of assembly and putting into the work process.



10. What is power comsumption of the equipment?

Working up to 35 kilowatt;
Maximum up to 80 kilowatt;



11. Why we can speak about energy – independence of the equipment?

Our equipment allows us to talk about real energy independence. Naturally, the operation requires the use of approximately 35 KW of electricity in operating mode. However, the heating process itself is provided by using the resulting pyrolysis fuel and gas in small quantities.



12. What amount of water the equipment needs for working?

From 1,5 to 2 the cubic meters in a 24 hour period.



13. Ecology?

Speaking about ecology – we have the absence of the harmful ejections into the atmosphere. The exhaust gases penetrate through the scrubber, where they are cleaning. The effective purification of gas is accomplished by neutralization and absorption. Also we are using the system of carbon unloading without the dust.
Data regarding the ejections will be given in additional documents.



14. How the automation is working?

The plant has two reactors that can be located in one of 3 cycles.
A cycle is a set of instructions operated repeatedly.
There are 3 cycles.
1. Loading/ unloading/ stand by – the reactor is cold, the burners and valves are blocked. Only the rotation of the reactor and auger is available.
2. Pyrolysis – the reactor actively maintains a high temperature, all mechanisms are unlocked except for the auger and rotation of reactor in the direction of unloading.
3. Cooling – the reactor is cooled to the cooling setpoint temperature. The burners are blocked and the discharge mechanisms are running at full capacity.

The automatic process control system is designed on a modular basis. Each node has its own control module. Therea are five modules in total.

Control panel
LCD panel and main menu of the operator’s display
1. LCD touch screen with icons to go to the next level submenu.
2. Status indicators of the control panel
3. POWER button
4. Function buttons: F1, F2, F3, F4, F5, F6
5. “ESC” button – go to the previous menu.
6. “ENTER” button – enter (confirmation)
7. Navigation buttons “LEFT”, “RIGHT”, “UP”, “DOWN”
To go to the next level submenu, touch the corresponding icon with your finger (you can wear gloves):
CYCLE R1 – control menu for pyrolysis cycle of reactor # 1;
UNLOADING R1- control menu for unloading cycle of reactor # 1;
CYCLE R2 – control menu for pyrolysis cycle of reactor # 2;
UNLOADING R2 – control menu for unloading cycle of reactor # 2;
AFTERBURNER – control menu for the afterburning furnace burner and the fuel gas supply valve;
DEFUELING – control menu for light and medium fraction fuel suction pumps;
ACCIDENTS – menu of the list of accidents. Reset to zero by pressing F6;
INFORMATION – menu with information about the developer and version of the software;
SETPOINTS – menu of entering setpoints. Setpoint – the number (parameter) that the operator sets for the program. The setpoint values will determine the program operation in a particular mode.

The automatic process control system screen allows the operator on a real time basis to monitor the pressure and temperarure gauges, see the speed and direction of rotation of actuators, control enable signals of devices (pumps, valves, burners, etc.), see the graphic charts of basic settings changes.
Alarms are also displayed on the monitor.



15. The characteristics of the products?

Products which we are getting by using our equipment
First, pyrolysis oil or better to say synthetic pyrolysis fuel. The heat of combustion of the obtained fuel is 10700 kilocalories /kg. If we compare this number with other fuels we’ll see that for natural gas it composes 8300 kilocalories /kg, for coal 7400 kilocalories /kg, of the petroleum residue 9500 kilocalories /kg, which makes the obtained product more effecient when used in the burner devices for purposes of obtaining thermal energy.
Also, if we compare it with the petroleum residue, we need to mention that this fuel possesses higher consumer properties. Specifically, there are low viscosity, the very low degree of the thickening it is lower than minus 36 the degrees, the mechanical impurities. Low ash content during the combustion be absent making it interesting to use for the bunkering of vessels.
The obtained fuel has low density as 0,86. This index makes it possible to carry out easy technological operation for obtaining the qualitative distillate of aroma.
Second, this is technical or black carbon obtained as a result of pyrolysis after utilization on our equipment has the exceeding qualitative characteristics in comparison with carbon obtained on the equipment of other producers.
The distinctive special feature – 87 percents of the carbon granules that are obtained as a result of the work of our equipment has size from 0,125-0,150 millimeters. In this form this product can be used in the production of rubber technology mixtures, with the production of noncritical mechanical rubber goods (hoses, rugs, conveyor belts, etc). Furthermore possessing high heat of combustion 7022 kilocalories it can be used as the raw material for the production of fuel pilets and so forth.
Also we are getting metal cord and pyrolysis gas (which used for running the process).
The results of the tests of those products obtained on this equipment are given in the addition to this document.



16. What does the equipment price include?

The price of the plant (equipment) includes the cost of manufacturing, assembly and testing on the manufacturer’s territory, delivery for compliance with the declared parameters, disassembly, packaging and delivery to representatives of the transport company.
Cargo insurance and transportation are paid for and provided by the Buyer.
The Contract price includes installation of the plant on the Customer’s territory, its launch and training of personnel.
The Contract price also includes a year’s guarantee for the operation of the plant (equipment) in case all the points of the equipment manual are fulfilled.



17. What is not included in the price?

The plant (equipment) shipment with a transport company hired by the Seller and insurance.



18. What is the process of purchasing a plant?

After the decision to purchase the plant is made, the Parties, namely the direct Buyer and Seller, enter into a Contract. After signing the Contract, the Buyer transfers 70% of the amount specified in the Contract to the Seller’s account. As soon as this amount is received, the Seller starts the process of manufacturing. The production cycle takes from 2 to 5 months (depending on the number of orders). As a result, at the production site the plant (equipment) is fully assembled and functionally checked. Assembly and check must be attended by a representative of the Buyer. When the Assembly is complete, the plant (equipment) is disassembled and packed for shipment. In the presence of the Buyer’s representative, packing lists are compiled and accepted for quality and completeness.
The Buyer pays 30% of the Contract amount, the money is credited to the Seller’s account and the plant is delivered to the transport company for shipment.
Upon arrival of the plant (equipment) at the place of operation, the Seller’s specialists install it, train the staff, review the operating instructions.
The order and time of payments and the stages of work are fully described in the Contract.



19. What should the Buyer provide for the plant installation?

During the installation process, the Buyer must provide:
19.1. Installation of the plant (equipment) requires a hangar-type building with a height of at least 9 meters, which has an internal flat concrete platform with the size of 18×40 meters with the coating that can withstand a load of 6 tons per m2.
19.2. The maximum capacity to ensure the operation of the plant (equipment) and auxiliary equipment – up to 80 kW/h, circulating water – up to 60 m3, water consumption (maximum) – up to 2 m3/day.
All requirements for the Buyer are reflected in the Contract, as well as in the Appendix to this document.



20. How does the guarantee work and what is the e-journal?

Guarantee is given for one year. In the case of failure, with the observance of operating instructions, the producer takes all measures for repair by his own expenses. Guarantee to the separate elements (pumps, filters etcetera) is given in accordance with the obligations of the particular producer. For the more effective work it is proposed to use the electronic (virtual) journal – the virtual resource with the authorized entrance. Its daily filling makes possible for producer to follow the correctness of operation and to avoid the failure of equipment.